Fellowship Directory
Wollongong Hospital Australia
Wollongong, Australia
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Scope of Training: 2 main sleep surgeon attendings (2 ENT) and 1 adjunct OMFS. 1 fellowship position/year (Sleep Surgery focused including adults and pediatrics).
Pediatrics: 70-100 DISE, ≥10 supraglottoplasty, ≥10 lingual tonsillectomy
Adults ≥30 Modified UPPP, coblation tongue channeling, >15 lingual tonsillectomy, 1-10 Transpalatal advancement, 1-5 midline glossectomy, Device(Hypoglossal nerve stimulator) limited to trial setting
Weekly Schedule: 2-3 days in clinic and 2 OR days (split with H&N surgery including parotidectomy, thyroidectomy/parathyroidectomy, neck dissection, glossectomy, laryngectomy, mandibulectomy, pectoralis major reconstruction)
Contact information: Fellowship director: Stuart MacKay; [email protected]/au
Availability and duration: 1 year
On Call Requirements: Attending on call approximately one weekend every 2-3 months. Ability to cover post op sleep case complications in conjunction with attending
Financing: Part time (0.6) contract with Wollongong Public Hospital: equates to approximately 120,000 AUD per annum, additional private assisting opportunities
Recent Graduations & positions: Nick Phillips, Andrew Wong, Nathan Haywood, Leon Kitipornchi, Lyndon Chan, Rachelle Love, Julia Crawford
Further information: Informal: https://www.illawarraent.com.au/links
University of Antwerp
Antwerp, Belgium
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Scope of the training (what surgeries are you trained in and what volume do you expect?, are you trained in any sleep medicine?):
DISE (>200/year), BRP (75/year), hypoglossal nerve stimulation (30-50/year), TORS procedures 35/year. If wanted there can be participation in the sleep team discussion
Weekly schedule:
Have had halftime and fulltime equivalent fellows. Halftime: Clinic on Tuesday, surgery on Wednesday, and surgery on Friday.
Contact information (website and/or mentors in the program):
Prof. Dr. Olivier Vanderveken. Contact can be made mainly through his biomedical scientist (also navigator for hypoglossal Nerve stimulation Mevr. Dorine Van Loo, [email protected]
Availability and duration (anticipated start date; length of fellowship):
January 1st, yearly
Nationalities able to apply or are there languages required?:
Must be Dutch speaking
Paid fellowship, equal wage as a last year resident
Recent graduates and positions: Dr. Frederick Dochy; Dr. Charlotte Buyltynck will finish in December 2024.
AZ Sint-Jan & AZ Sint-Lucas Hospitals
Bruges, Belgium
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7 staff members; 2 fellow and 6 ENT surgery residents. 2 staff members do all the sleep apnea surgery and consultation
Scope of the training (what surgeries are you trained in and what volume do you expect?, are you trained in any sleep medicine?):
DISE (>400/year), BRP (100/year), ESP (50/year), hypoglossal nerve stimulation (30/year), TORS procedures 75-100/year. If wanted there can be participation in the sleep team discussion (monthly to two-monthly basis for difficult cases).
Weekly schedule:
fulltime with half a day recuperation/administration. 1.5-2 days in OR/ week. 2.5-3 days of consultation (mix of general ENT, benign and malignant ENT and OSAS/socially disturbing snoring).
Contact information (website and/or mentors in the program):
Dr. Frederick Dochy; [email protected]
Availability and duration (anticipated start date; length of fellowship):
1/10/20XX, per year.
Nationalities able able to apply or are there languages required?:
Dutch speaking required
Financing: Paid fellowship, equal wage as a last year resident
Singapore General Hospital
SingHealth Duke-NUS Sleep Centre
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–Scope of the training:
1. Understand normal sleep physiology
2, Understand and be able to evaluate patients presenting to sleep clinic
3. Competent in ordering appropriate investigation for patient with sleep disorders
and direct to appropriate specialists
4. Competent in prescribing and managing patients on positive airway pressure for
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
5. Understand and be able to advise medical treatment for OSA
6. Understand the appropriate indications for sleep apnea surgery
7. Able to perform safely and choose the appropriate surgeries for patient
8. Able to handle perioperative issues/complication in OSA patient
1. Scoring of sleep study
2. Nasoendoscopy
3. Sleep endoscopy
4. Radiofrequency turbinate soft palate and tongue base
5. Adentonsillectomy
6. Septorhinoplasty
7. Turbinplasty/turbinectomy
8. Nasal valve reconstructive surgery
9. Palatal reconstructive surgeries for OSA
10. Hyoid suspension/expansion
11. Transoral robotic tongue base reduction
12. Transoral epiglottidectomy
–Weekly schedule:
–Contact information:
A/Prof Dr. Toh Song Tar
–Availability and duration (anticipated start date):
Subject to discussion (6months to 1 year)
–International applicants able to apply: Y/N
Yes. Fellowship is conducted in English
Self Financing / Stipend
–Further information:
Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (KCGMH) & Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital (KMTTH)
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
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Scope of the training (what surgeries are you trained in and what volume do you expect?, are you trained in any sleep medicine?):
~ 2,686 beds Tertiary Referral Hospital (KCGMH) & 513 beds Regional Referral Hospital (KMTTH); Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery:16 full-term attending physicians (4 staff members do all the sleep apnea surgery and consultation); 2-3 fellows/year and 10 ENT surgery residents.
~ Modified Palatopharyngoplasty (> 100/year), Minimally Invasion Endoscopic Tongue Base Resection/Channeling (> 70 /year), Transoral Robotic Surgery (> 100/year), … etc. In addition, you are welcome to participate in our sleep team discussions on clinical service and academic discussion, too.
How many ENT-Specific Positions Per Year:
~ 2
How many Sleep Surgery fellow positions per year? ie co-fellows:
~ 2 (one-international, one-domestic)
Weekly Schedule:
~ 2.5 days in clinic and 2 OR days; 0.5 day per week scholarly activity
Contact information:
~ Hsin-Ching Lin MD, FACS ([email protected]; [email protected])
Availability and duration:
~ 6 months to 1 year
~ Fellowship’s Application should be proposed 6 months before starting the fellowship program.
International applicants able to apply: Yes
Language requirement: English, Mandarin
Financing: None.
However, our hospital provides a free dormitory which is located in our hospital campus. If the duration for the fellowship is more than one year, you can apply the additional scholarship with the funding around USD 800.00/month. If you are awarded, and you must complete at least two papers and submitted to the SCI journals during your fellowship.
Recent Graduations & positions: Po-Teng Chiang, MD; Chun-Yuan Chao, MD; Wei-Shan Chen, MD; Chia-Ling Liu MD; John Loh Ming Ren, MD (Singapore); Sue Rene Soon, MD (Singapore); Nguyen Truong Khuong, MD (Vietnam); Lee Mun Loy, MD (Malaysia).
Further information: https://www.cgmh.org.tw/eng
United States
Cincinnati Children’s
Cincinnati, Ohio
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Fellowship Director:
Narong Simakajornboon
[email protected]
ACGME accredited
Does your program have exposure to pediatric sleep surgery?:
Names of sleep surgeons who interface with sleep surgery fellows:
David Smith, Christine Heubi
Recent sleep surgery fellowship graduates:
Johanna Wickemeyer (2023)
Current positions of sleep surgery fellowship graduates:
Wickemeyer (Yale)
Henry Ford
Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Fellowship Director
Dmitriy Kogan, MD
[email protected]
How many ENT-Specific Positions Per Year:
How many Sleep Medicine fellow positions per year? ie co-fellows:
ACGME accredited
Types of Sleep Surgery Procedure Performed:
Nasal – septoplasty, turbinate reduction, Pharyngeal – palate, tongue, epiglottis, hyoid suspension, genioglossus advancement, Device – hypoglossal nerve stimulator
Does your program have exposure to pediatric sleep surgery?:
Names of sleep surgeons who interface with sleep surgery fellows:
Tucker Woodson, MD
Recent sleep surgery fellowship graduates:
Abhay Sharma, MD (2022)
Current positions of sleep surgery fellowship graduates:
Abhay Sharma, MD (University of Southern Florida)
Graduates that would be interested and available to be contacted:
[email protected], 504-610-8700
Description of sleep surgery & sleep medicine experience during fellowship, typical week breakdown of OR vs. clinic:
1-2 days OR, 2-3 days clinic. ENT clinic 2 days, sleep medicine clinic split with pulm, peds, and neurology
Additional info:
Strength of this program is the excellent exposure and development of understanding of sleep. Difficulties with sleep patients is the management, and this program will enable you to fully understand and sleep pathology beyond OSA management. Surgically, the key to treatment is the details. Though you learn new techniques and surgeries, the real development in surgery for an ENT fellow is adding elegance to your toolbox. This means being able to successfully manage the vast majority of nasal obstruction using a closed approach (exceptions being severe dorsal deviations or severe twisted noses for functional purposes), precise pharyngoplasty techniques that help avoid the common complications of dehiscence and dysphagia, precise dissection of Hypoglossal nerve, and tongue reduction techniques. Finally, you will get a deep understanding of how to manage Hypoglossal nerve stimulation on your own postoperatively.
Duration of Fellowship:
1 year
Exposure to Sleep Medicine Details:
Will get significant experience but also you have flexibility to do what you want, can add more ent clinics in some flex spots
Interfacing with other specialties?
Neurology, peds, pulm
Surgical Case Load, distribution of procedures performed:
25-30 Hypoglossal nerve stim, 8-10 UPPP, 5-6 midline glossectomy, 5-6 hyoid suspension, 1-2 transpalatal advancement, 1-2 genioglossus advancement, huge number of DISE, 30-40 septoplasty, 4-5 nasal valve procedures.
On-Call Requirement:
Will get occasional calls from sleep lab with questions, severe sleep studies scored from overnight to read. Otherwise no call requirements and you have every weekend available
University of Miami Health System
Miami, Florida
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View details here: https://umiamihealth.org/en/healthcare-professionals/sleep-center/fellowship
Contact: Maria Suurna – [email protected]
Mount Sinai
New York City, New York
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How many ENT-Specific Positions Per Year:
How many Sleep Medicine fellow positions per year? ie co-fellows:
ACGME accredited
Types of Sleep Surgery Procedure Performed:
Nasal – septoplasty, turbinate reduction, Pharyngeal – palate, tongue, epiglottis, Skeletal – MMA, palate, Device – hypoglossal nerve stimulator
Names of sleep surgeons who interface with sleep surgery fellows:
Courtney Chou MD, Fred Lin
Recent sleep surgery fellowship graduates:
Nikhita Jain (2024)
Stanford University
Palo Alto, California
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Fellowship Director:
Pedro Gomes de Oliveira
[email protected]
How many ENT-Specific Positions Per Year:
How many Sleep Medicine fellow positions per year? ie co-fellows:
Non-ACGME Accredited. Possible to do a 2-year track (year 1 ACGME Sleep Medicine; year 2 Sleep Surgery)
Types of Sleep Surgery Procedure Performed:
Nasal – septoplasty, turbinate reduction
Pharyngeal – palate, tongue, epiglottis
Skeletal – MMA, Maxillary Expansion
Device – hypoglossal nerve stimulator
Does your program have exposure to pediatric sleep surgery?:
Names of sleep surgeons who interface with sleep surgery fellows:
Robson Capasso, Pedro Gomes de Oliveira
Recent sleep surgery fellowship graduates:
Vikram Padhye; Jules Rodin; Ahmed Alsayed; Allen Huang; Thomaz Fleury; Mohamed Abdelwahab; Courtney Chou
Current positions of sleep surgery fellowship graduates:
Vikram Padhey (University of Adelaide); Jules Rodin (UPenn); Ahmed Alsayed (King Saudi University); Allen Huang (USC); Thomaz Fleury (UH Cleveland); Mohamed Abdelwahab (MUSC); Courtney Chou (NYU)
Texas Facial Plastic Surgery & ENT
San Antonio, Texas
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Fellowship Director:
Jose Barrera
How many ENT-Specific Positions Per Year:
How many Sleep Medicine fellow positions per year? ie co-fellows:
Non-ACGME Accredited
Types of Sleep Surgery Procedure Performed:
Nasal – septoplasty, turbinate reduction, Pharyngeal – palate, tongue, epiglottis, Skeletal – MMA, palate, Device – hypoglossal nerve stimulator
Does your program have exposure to pediatric sleep surgery?:
Names of sleep surgeons who interface with sleep surgery fellows:
Jose Barerra
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Fellowship Director:
Karl Doghramji, MD
[email protected]
How many ENT-Specific Positions Per Year:
up to 2
How many Sleep Medicine fellow positions per year? ie co-fellows:
ACGME accredited
Types of Sleep Surgery Procedure Performed:
Nasal – septoplasty, turbinate reduction, Pharyngeal – palate, tongue, epiglottis, Device – hypoglossal nerve stimulator
Does your program have exposure to pediatric sleep surgery?:
Names of sleep surgeons who interface with sleep surgery fellows:
Maurits Boon, MD, Colin Huntley, MD
Recent sleep surgery fellowship graduates:
Colin Huntley, MD (2017), Ashwin Ananth, MD (2021), Thomas Kaffenberger, MD (2023)/Andrea Plawecki, MD (2023), Nicole Molin, MD (2024)/Erin Creighton, MD (2024)
Current positions of sleep surgery fellowship graduates:
Colin Huntley, MD (Thomas Jefferson), Ashwin Ananth, MD (Eastern Shore ENT), Thomas Kaffenberger, MD (U. of Pittsburgh)/Andrea Plawecki, MD (Henry Ford Hospital)
Description of sleep surgery & sleep medicine experience during fellowship, typical week breakdown of OR vs. clinic:
1-2 days OR and 2-3 days in clinic
UCLA – Sleep Medicine
Los Angeles, California
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View Sleep Surgery Announcement »
Fellowship Director:
Michelle Zeidler
[email protected]
How many Sleep Medicine fellow positions per year? ie co-fellows:
ACGME accredited
Types of Sleep Surgery Procedure Performed:
Nasal – septoplasty, turbinate reduction
Pharyngeal – palate, tongue, epiglottis
Device – hypoglossal nerve stimulator
Names of sleep surgeons who interface with sleep surgery fellows:
Eric Kezirian, MD MPH
Ashley Kita, MD
Recent sleep surgery fellowship graduates:
Katherine Green, MD, MS
David Kent, MD
Phil Huyett, MD
Current positions of sleep surgery fellowship graduates:
Katherine Green, MD, MS (U Colorado Denver)
David Kent, MD (Vanderbilt)
Phil Huyett, MD (Mass Eye and Ear)
University of Colorado
Denver, Colorado
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Fellowship Director:
Sheila Tsai
[email protected]
How many ENT-Specific Positions Per Year:
How many Sleep Medicine fellow positions per year? ie co-fellows:
ACGME accredited
Types of Sleep Surgery Procedure Performed:
Nasal – septoplasty, turbinate reduction, Pharyngeal – palate, tongue, epiglottis, palate, Device – hypoglossal nerve stimulator
Does your program have exposure to pediatric sleep surgery?:
Names of sleep surgeons who interface with sleep surgery fellows:
Katherine Green, Amy Schell
Recent sleep surgery fellowship graduates:
Vaib Ramprasad (23),
Current positions of sleep surgery fellowship graduates:
Ramprasad- cleveland clinic
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Fellowship Director:
Indira Gurubhagavatula, MD, MPH
[email protected]
How many ENT-Specific Positions Per Year:
How many Sleep Medicine fellow positions per year? ie co-fellows:
ACGME accredited
Types of Sleep Surgery Procedure Performed:
Nasal – septoplasty, turbinate reduction, Pharyngeal – palate, tongue, epiglottis, Skeletal – MMA, palate, Device – hypoglossal nerve stimulator
Does your program have exposure to pediatric sleep surgery?:
Names of sleep surgeons who interface with sleep surgery fellows:
Raj Dedhia, MD MSCR, Jules Rodin MD
Recent sleep surgery fellowship graduates:
Michael Hutz, MD (2021), Sebastian Jara, MD MPH (2022)/Crystal Cheong, MBBS (2022), Julianna Rodin, MD (2023)/ Yi Cai, MD (2023), Leonard Soh Jie Min, MD (2024)
Current positions of sleep surgery fellowship graduates:
Michael Hutz, MD (Rush Medical Group), Sebastian Jara, MD MPH (University of Southern California)/Crystal Cheong, MBBS (National University Hospital, Singapore), Julianna Rodin, MD (University of Pennsylvania)/ Yi Cai, MD (Columbia University Medical Center), Leonard Soh Jie Min, MD (Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Singapore)
Graduates that would be interested and available to be contacted:
Jules Rodin, MD: [email protected]
Description of sleep surgery and sleep medicine experience during fellowship, typical breakdown:
- Sleep Medicine Clinical Experience across 3 sites (Academic Practice, Children’s Hospital, VA)
- Clinic and OR with 2 Sleep Medicine Board Certified ENTs
Typical week includes the following opportunities:
- 1/2-1 day per week Sleep ENT clinic, 1-2 days per week of Sleep Medicine clinic
- 1-2 days per week Sleep ENT OR
- 1/2 day per week Sleep ENT lab meeting (case discussion, journal club, research)
- 1/2 day per week scholarly activity
- 1/2 day-1 day per week PSG reading experience with Sleep ENT/Sleep Medicine faculty
Duration of fellowship:
1 year, option for T32
Exposure to sleep medicine details:
- Sleep medicine attendings from pulmonology, neurology, psychiatry, and pediatric backgrounds
- Sleep medicine continuity clinic, includes telemedicine and CBTI
- 2 weeks of inpatient Sleep Medicine service
- 6 weeks at Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania
Interfacing with other specialties:
- Clinic with sleep dentist/orthodontist
- Clinic with sleep psychologist
- Flexibility to arrange additional educational opportunities
Surgical case load, distribution:
- DISE (1 dedicated day/month) with additional scattered on other OR days
- Nasal surgery: Septoplasty, turbinate reduction, nasal valve stabilization, functional septorhinoplasty (~4 per month)
- Pharyngeal surgery: tonsillectomy, expansion sphincter pharyngoplasty, lingual tonsillectomy, epiglottoplasty (~4 per month)
- Neurostimulation: Inspire, Genio (~4 per month)
- Skeletal: Genioglossus advancement, SARPE, MMA (~1-2/month)
On call requirement:
- Sleep ENT fellow weekend call (rarely called, rounding on admitted postoperative patients). No ENT attending call
- Sleep Medicine weekend call (home call, virtual only, split between approximately 7 fellows)
- Weeknight CHOP call while on CHOP (home call, split between approximately 3 fellows)
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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Fellowship Director:
Mazen El Ali, MD
[email protected]
How many ENT-Specific Positions Per Year:
How many Sleep Medicine fellow positions per year? ie co-fellows:
ACGME accredited
Types of Sleep Surgery Procedure Performed:
Pharyngeal – palate (Expansion and Barbed suture), tongue, epiglottis,
Device – hypoglossal nerve stimulator (Inspire)
Closed nasal surgery.
Does your program have exposure to pediatric sleep surgery?:
Names of sleep surgeons who interface with sleep surgery fellows:
Ryan Soose, MD, Rachel Whelan, MD, Thomas Kaffenberger, MD
Recent sleep surgery fellowship graduates:
Amy Schell, MD (2018), current fellow Jim Han (expected graduation 2025)
Current positions of sleep surgery fellowship graduates:
Amy Schell, MD (University of Colorado)
Graduates that would be interested and available to be contacted:
Thomas Kaffenberger, [email protected]
Description of sleep surgery & sleep medicine experience during fellowship, typical week breakdown of OR vs. clinic:
1-3 days OR and 2-3 days in clinic (1 full day in the ENT sleep clinic)
Additional info:
-Fellowship is notable for excellent collaboration between Sleep Medicine and Sleep Surgery divisions. Flexibility given to ENT fellows to pursue cases that are interesting to them.
-Advanced troubleshooting of HGNS
Duration of Fellowship:
1 year
Opportunity available for T-32 grant, master’s in education, Public Health
Exposure to Sleep Medicine Details:
12 months longitudinal experience in general sleep rotations at the VA or UPMC sleep clinic. There is a required ½ day fellow clinic on Wednesday mornings. Rotations in specialty clinics: pediatric sleep, insomnia clinic, sleep dentistry. Flexibility to utilize assigned sleep reading time/scholarly time for ENT clinic/OR.
Interfacing with other specialties?
Neurology, Psych, peds, pulm, sleep dentistry, sleep psychologist
Surgical Case Load, distribution of procedures performed:
Minimum expected case volume for 2024-2025
-Hypoglossal nerve stimulator implants: 30, Revisions: 3, Modified uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (ESP/BRP): 5, Nasal surgery: 20, Skeletal (MME/DOME): 3, DISE: 60
On-Call Requirement:
Takes call for sleep lab, see consults at the VA (This is split between 2 fellows). No additional call requirements, and every weekend available.
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
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Fellowship Director:
Vishesh Kapur, MD MPH
[email protected]
How many ENT-Specific Positions Per Year:
How many Sleep Medicine fellow positions per year? ie co-fellows:
ACGME accredited
Types of Sleep Surgery Procedure Performed:
Nasal – septoplasty, turbinate reduction, Pharyngeal – palate, tongue, epiglottis, Skeletal – MMA, palate
Does your program have exposure to pediatric sleep surgery?:
Names of sleep surgeons who interface with sleep surgery fellows:
Edward Weaver, MD MPH
Recent sleep surgery fellowship graduates:
Raj Dedhia, MD MSCR
Current positions of sleep surgery fellowship graduates:
Raj Dedhia, MD MSCR (Penn)
Additional info:
-Advanced troubleshooting of HGNS